Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Favorite Costume- A Plus Size Cleopatra Costume

You can find historical costumes from about anytime in history. One of my very favorites has always been a Cleopatra costume. I love that period in Ancient Egypt with the mystery of the Pyramids, the ancient gods and the kings and queens that ruled over such a great empire.

I admit, the thought of being Queen of the Nile sounded exotic and fun. And it was.

I also like the ones listed below. I think any woman would look great in any of these. Do you like these? If so just click on the picture to find out where to get them at really good prices.

Costume Discounters

There are lots of videos on how to do the famous eye make up that the Egyptian women used to wear. You can use the black liner and add whatever color shadow you want from blue to bright pink. Add some red lipstick and you are definitely a queen.

Last year I bought my costume at plus size Cleopatra costumes. They had a great selection.

Another reason I like Cleopatra costumes is that you can change the look with different makeup, hairpieces and jewelry. So I can take this costume and revamp it to wear another year and it will look totally different.

What Comes After Makeup? Hair of Course!

I love this costume theme, because you can have so much fun adding cool accessories to it. You gotta have one of these hairpieces. After all, it finishes it off. Most are not expensive and you can purchase any of these along with your costume for one shipment. Try to visualize wearing any of these with your chosen Cleopatra costume. You will look fabulous!!    Click on any of these to see more.

New Plus Size Costumes for Women

Every year Halloween gets more popular. Some say it might overtake Christmas for actual sales. Who cares?

You should, because now more than ever before there is a greater selection of plus size costumes for women in several categories.

What is Popular This Year?

The first three categories in order are:
  1. Television and Movie Characters- This far outranks any other category for women looking for a plus size costume. With over 100 to choose from, you probably will not wear the same costume that anyone else is.
  2. Sexy-Yes, that's right. For those of any size these costumes are tempting. They must sell well because they have over 85 costumes to choose from.
  3. Historical- With over 60 historical characters that women can portray, this is one of my favorites.
I personally like to buy quality plus costumes that can last and I can reuse or re-purpose for another Halloween. While the television and movie characters are great costumes, they can't really be changed. They are what they are, and they can become dated. No one is going to remember a character in a fad movie, years later when you want to pull it out and wear it again.

And while sexy is okay for some intimate parties, I prefer not to feel uncomfortable at a Halloween function worrying about what shows and what doesn't. I want to have fun.

So, that is why I prefer period historical costumes. Traditionally they are a great conversation starter and most are more flattering to a full figure than other styles.

If you want to find a really good selection of plus size Cleopatra costumes, remember you can go to Cleopatra Costumes for Adults and get a head start for Halloween this year. Above all, have fun!

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Video On Makeup Tricks for Becoming Cleopatra

What a cool video, right? Doesn't take a lot of effort, just a steady hand and some cool eyeshadow!

Monday, September 2, 2013

How to Make Your Costume Unique?

When you purchase a plus size costume or any costume you often get just the material outfit itself. Often the pictures illustrate models wearing accessories that do not come with your order. But, no worry.

You can buy accessories at these online stores or you can go to your local thrift store and have fun picking out your own wigs and costume jewelry. When you do that, NO ONE will have the same costume as you, plus you can make it as lavish as you want.

There is nothing more fun that dressing up with cool, bold jewelry. Bring out your personality ladies!

costume jewelry+organizing ideas
Photo Courtesy of Maegan Tintari / Flickr

Most thrift stores thrive during the Halloween season and bring out all the items they know customers will want to use for costumes and accessories. Often they will even have sales to lure you in. Take advantage and you will find some really cool stuff to wear.